70 billionth hand looms

More milestone madness on PokerStars

It seems only yesterday that yllams waltzed off with $68,420 after winning PokerStars’ 65 billionth hand. But get ready for a new wave of spot prizes and milestones as the site prepares to deal it’s 70 billionth.

Players on real money cash table will be awardedspot prizes for every millionth hand dealt en route to the 70 billionth, with prizes starting from hand 69,700,000,000 right through to the big one. Who ever wins the 70 billionth hand will be guaranteed $70,000 in prizes, plus one or two extras.

Prizes for milestone hands will be awarded as follows:

– Every player dealt a hand will receive $50
– They will also receive $50 for every VPP earned in the preceding 50 hands
– In the 70 billionth hand, these payouts will be multiplied by 10
– The overall winner will have their prize doubled plus win an additional $70,000. Which is nice.

Experts expect the first milestone hand to be dealt around October 29th, so head online to be part of the celebrations. And if you can’t make it, don’t worry, the 75 billionth can’t be too far off…

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