Frey wins GUKPT Coventry Main Event

Martyn Frey wins Leg 9 of this year’s GUKPT and earns himself £36,610 payday

Martin Frey has won this year’s GUKPT Coventry and £36,610 after defeating a field of 122. While hundreds of GUKPT newbies were attracted to the carnival atmosphere and lower buy-in of the Goliath event, the pricier Main Event attracted more of the familiar – and successful – players from the tour but the competition was just as intense.  
Going into heads-up, Frey was slight underdog holding only 1 million chips compared to Matt Davenport’s 1.4 million. However, Davenport’s lead didn’t last long after he lost the majority of his chips in a hand early on when he went all-in on an open-ended straight draw only to be called by Frey’s two-pair.
Not long after, Davenport decided to commit his remaining chips with pocket fives only to be called and lose to Frey who held K-7. For his second place finish Matt Davenport collected his runner-up prize worth £25,920.
But the big story was Dean Aldred. In true Moneymaker fashion, Aldred, a PokerPlayer reader actually won his seat to the GUKPT Coventry back in April as part of his prize for taking down our first PokerPlayer UK Tour Event of the year in Newcastle. Once again Aldred displayed what a talented player he is after managing to make it all the way to the final table. Eventually he finished in a hugely impressive fifth place for £7,930.
Very well done Dean!

Here is how the final table finished:

1. Martyn Frey £36,610
2. Matt Davenport £25,920
3. Lee French £16,160
4. Simon Deadman £10,060
5. Dean Aldred £7,930
6. Alan Taddei £6,100
7. Ray Power £4,880
8. Ainis Radauskas £3,660
9. Terry Mitford £2,740

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