Grand Prix 8 – The Leaderboard

After a thrilling first freeroll, the results are in – did you make it onto the leaderboard?

The first freeroll of the PokerPlayer Grand Prix 8 played out Monday evening with 152 runners contesting the points awarded to the top 50 and the tournament tickets for the top 20. It was a great showing by half of the PokerPlayer team as well, with PP_Journey getting knocked out in 20th by fellow PokerPlayer PP_Rossy. Re-shoving over the top of what turned out to be Q-10 with A-Q, PP_Journey was pretty happy to see a fishy call with K-10 by PP_Rossy until a King on the flop and another on the turn denied him the treble-up and a 50k pot. PP_Rossy knocked both players out en route to his fifth place finish.

The eventual winner – and first qualifier for the Grand Final – was golly51, who beat Slickgc heads-up to book his seat. SammyJohn is currently top of the leaderboard courtesy of his third place finish and the five-point bounty for knocking out PP_Rossy.

The next freeroll is Wednesday August 7. If you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for? Find out how to get involved by clicking here.

Freeroll 2
Wednesday August 7, 8pm

The password is in the magazine. If you don’t have a copy you can buy the latest issue on iTunes by clicking here.

Qualified for the live final
1. golly51

Current leaderboard

1. SammyJohn 59
2. MrBadula 58
3. PP_Rossy 57
4. Slickgc 55
5. DoobieFish 51
6. bobbybulman 50
7. Aggromonkey 49
8. AgentP 48
10. BanjoBear 46
11. JimDMole 45
12. 9ballslugger 44
13. Rocket Man 43
14. voiceofjoe 42
15. tim_roberts 41
16. CTID 40
17. ellin73 39
18. eddatog 38
19. PP_Journey 37
20. PotRooster 36
21. 0utdrawn 35
22. wilywoods 34
23. tp129919 33
24. Gordon72 32
25. TheBadgerJC 31
26. glceud 30
27. MrSouthey 29
28. KAJE159 28
29. greedyboy 27
30. Porlock 26

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