PKR testing is upping the stakes with revolutionary
3D software coming to an online cardroom near you soon

British 3D online poker site, PKR, has released a beta version of its software to an initial 1,000 players while its developers make sure that it’s the nuts.

The lucky punters were chosen on a firstcome first-served basis – except for the PokerPlayer testers who snuck in through the back door to get an early taste of the action. The poker site is aiming to tip the tried-and-tested online game on its head by bringing a more lifelike feel to the internet game.

Most poker sites use a simple yet effective display that shows all bets, chip stacks and players from above the table, some of which carry avatars but most just with a simple screen name display.

New dimension

PKR, however, is pushing new video games-based technology, which allows you to create your own characters that can talk, perform actions and do chip tricks in a 3D environment.

The more successful you are at the tables the more you can develop your character – as well as winning more cash, of course. PKR is expected to go live from the end of June after testing has been completed.

Our first thoughts? Well, it’s early days, but we reckon PKR’s going to be a lot of fun.

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