Get the most from the advanced poker coaching software has been taking the online poker world by storm since it launched earlier in 2013. The online coaching website claims to be able to teach all poker players the way to play ‘perfectly’ by adopting a game theory optimal strategy. If you master these techniques it will be impossible for any player – yep, even Phil Ivey – to be able to ‘exploit’ you in a conventional manner.
We’ve already seen how high stakes cash player Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates struggled to beat the PokerSnowie machine in this video – this time PokerSnowie co-founder Johannes Levermann joined Poker XFactor coach Eric ‘Sheets’ Haber for a recent webinar to go more indepth on the powers of PokerSnowie. The two dissect a number of hands using game theory optimal play to see how it can be beneficial to your game.