Breaking rank

Breaking rank

You shouldn’t necessarily bet into an empty side pot if it reduces the chances of eliminating an opponent It’s one of the first things you learn when pla... Continue Reading
Three times table

Three times table

In the first of a series on poker truisms, we ask why the standard pre-flop raise is three times the big blind   Large raises in late position can be a si... Continue Reading
Playing the shortstack

Playing the shortstack

Short-stack play can be tough but rewarding, as Shelley Rubenstein found at the WSOP At a final table recently, a well-known pro complimented me on what he ref... Continue Reading
Poker Clinic

Poker Clinic

Be aware that Freeroll play is not really an accurate representation of how people approach tournaments Satellite news I was down to the last 18 players in a m... Continue Reading
Drawing hands

Drawing hands

Mr Cool gets to the bottom of some of the game’s trickiest concepts What do you need to think about when playing drawing hands? You have to take a lot of facto... Continue Reading
Antonio Esfandiari

Antonio Esfandiari

Magician turned poker pro offers his advice on tournament play   Make sure you’re bluffing against players smart enough to fold Born in Iran, and moving t... Continue Reading


The ‘stop-and-go’ is a great way of reducing the lottery that pre-flop play can create in major tournaments In a recent tournament, I found myself nearing the ... Continue Reading
Daylight robbery

Daylight robbery

Stealing blinds is more than just a way to get free chips, it’s essential for tournament success   Every time you steal the blinds and antes you’ve added ... Continue Reading
Mastering heads-up

Mastering heads-up

Jeff Kimber, winner of the 2006 World Heads-Up Poker Championship, on what it takes in one-on-one confrontations I PREPARATION The first thing you need to do i... Continue Reading
Top of the pots

Top of the pots

It’s post-flop panache rather than pre-flop brawn that lies at the heart of this Pot-limit hold’em   Unless we restore pot-limit to its rightful place alo... Continue Reading